sharkyy dev

welcome to my page
this is a page about my projects, apps and games.

video from: alan becker

what do i use?

what do i use for making projects


I use Penguin Mod because it is a mod of TurboWarp, visual, has a bunch of extensions, a web editor and a web packager/exporter

(Penguin Mod was made by JeremyGamer13)


I also used to use Turbowarp because it is a mod of Scratch for making my projects but i switched because Penguin Mod has more extensions

(TurboWarp was made by GarboMuffin)


Scratch was my first ever progamming language, its kid friendly, basic and has like 5 extensions.

(Scratch was made by Mitch Resnik)

about me!

i have been coding for 4 years now
i have made 20+ games

favorite songs

(btw these songs still play in other sections)


  • hyperplayz | 2017-2019

  • dakrafter | 2019-2021

  • gamemakerbruh | 2021-2022

  • sussystormie | 2022-2023

  • electricaldev - 2023-2024

  • jefisadev | 2024-2025

  • sharkyydev | 2025